After a year of collecting data in the U.S. and Canada at four different public schools (one elementary, middle, and two high), the surveys show astounding results! Across the board, both students and staff report, on average, a 20% decrease in stress and tension, with a corresponding increase in calm and focus, after just one time using 60 Seconds! New data from Marshall Middle School in Long Beach, CA and Focus High School in Montreal, Canada mirror earlier findings that using 60 Seconds immediately reduces stress. These findings are not limited to rambunctious middle and high schoolers! In a mandatory professional development seminar of 101 educators in Montreal, participants who utilized 60 Seconds for the first time reported up to a 70% decline in perceived stress, with an average 20% drop. How exciting that this 20% decline in stress and corresponding increase in calm and focus is getting replicated over and over again!

The data also shows that decreased stress levels in students lead to improved test scores. At Patrick Henry Elementary School, second and fourth grade students who learned, practiced, and utilized 60 Seconds over a period of six months out performed the control classrooms that did not learn 60 Seconds. At the end of the school year, when assessed for proficiency on statewide tests of achievement, 80% of the second-grade classroom using 60 Seconds was either Proficient or Advanced Proficient in Reading and Writing, compared with 68% of the control group. 100% of the 60 Seconds second graders was at or above proficiency in timed math tests, as compared to 82% of the control group. Similarly, 84% of the 60 Seconds fourth-graders was either Proficient or Advanced Proficient in Reading and Writing, compared with 59% of the control group. Finally, 90% of the 60 Seconds fourth-graders was at or above proficiency on timed math tests, compared to 76% of the control group.

These findings are just the tip of the iceberg! We are waiting for more data to come in, including special education achievement scores, third grade achievement scores and rates of discipline referrals in high schoolers. Remember, 60 Seconds is part of the K-12 curriculum called “Brain Charge.” Contact Dr. Reggie to Brain Charge your school today!

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