Another 8-Year-Old Wants to Die

I wish I could say that hearing of another 8-year-old wanting to die is a rare occurrence for me. It has become so common that I must write today to implore each and every one of us to examine how anything like this is even remotely possible! And why so many of us...

Happy New You! 3 Tips…

I learned more in 2011 than I have in any other year. When stress is greatest, and we are not at our best because of it, we are presented with a big opportunity for change. The economy has created for many of us the loss of our livelihood, our homes, our relationships...

Several Studies Offer 3 Important Tips

1. FOCUS ON PRIDE NOT SHAME: In a recent study reported in the Los Angeles Times, an important finding was made with HUGE implications for both education and parenting: When it comes to self-regulation and self-control, anticipating pride for good behavior helps us...

Professional Development

Forgive me for re-posting this link but I need to make some corrections. This “trailer” or montage was put together to market and promote my work as a provider of professional development. I am blogging the link to encourage you to forward it to any...

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